Turner’s Tough N Technical Training is an organization founded upon our commitment to helping people achieve their goals. We understand that the road to success can seem long and treacherous, so we have built this website to be a resourceful tool for our clients as they navigate their journeys.
Along with all sorts of helpful information, learning devices, resources and more you will also find information about our special occasions where we are able to take a much more hands-on approach. Visit our Camps N Clinics Page to get a better idea of the type of events we setup!
We do everything we can to help and support our clients here at TNT. You can contact Coach Turner anytime you need via text message (405-229-9351) because as a member of the TNT family you deserve the best treatment and training available!
"Everyone wants to be a champion, but few are willing to train to become a champion" - Bruce Lee
Regardless of the type of workout, training, or exercise you are interested in - Turner’s TNT provides a multitude of services that pretty much guarantee you will find the perfect fit. Some of our services include personal training, Camps N Clinics, customized wrestling lessons, as well as advice and consultation for wrestling and lifestyle management.

Turner's TNT offers a few different Camp & Clinic options. We pride ourselves on only putting on the best events for our clients at an affordable price. With our camps you will always get more than you pay for! So head over to the camps page to see what we are working on, or fill out the contact form to connect with us on bringing a TNT Camp or Clinic to your area!

Why Should You Choose TNT?
Below are just two examples of the success stories that have come out of the TNT Family. Our goal is to help you get results! We are not just your average run-of-the-mill training program. If you want to become the best wrestler, athlete and person you can be - we are here to help!

Elijah “Chupa The Bull” Muhammad
2018 OKUSAYWL Div 2 58lb State Champion
Back to Back Undefeated State Champ
TNT Trained since 2014

Zach “The Buzzsaw” Williams
2018 OSSAA 4A 120 lb State Champion
2018 OWCA Wrestler of the year
TNT Trained since 2013

Check out the video below to watch one of Coach Turner's very own wrestling matches from the 2012 NAIA National Quarter Finals . If you'd like to learn more about Coach Turner, his athletic achievements, certifications, credentials and more. Click Here To Visit His Profile.
We hope you take from the video what so many others have... A sense of confidence and excitement about the opportunity to work and grow along with the quality of athletes like Coach Turner and members of his staff.

Take a walk on the wild side and venture in to the mind of Coach T. Turner Talks are Coach Turner’s outlet to speak from his experiences on various wrestling and non-wrestling topics he deems worthy of exploration. Turner Talks will be posted Bi-Weekly, so don’t forget to check back from time to time to see what new concepts are being postulated!